Women's Christmas Squash Classic 2019

On Nov 30 - Dec 1st, 43 women competed in the  Women's Christmas Squash Classic In Honour of Sally Brooks Braff held at Executive Squash & Fitness. Once again, Squash Pro Rob Brooks ran a very organized and highly enjoyable tournament assisted by Gabrielle Amoroso. Thank you to Pook Designz who provided handcrafted figurines and jewellery prizes for the top players in each division.

Full results in each draw are available on Squash Ontario's tournament website.  Congrats to the Champions and Finalists!

Gabby & Rob hard at work at Women's Christmas ClassicGabby & Rob hard at work at Women's Christmas Classic

D: Champion Michelle Xue, Finalist Joanna Clavecillas

C: Champion Nancy McLean, Finalist Marg Kuflowski

B: Champion Carolyn Feather, Finalist Vanessa Thoo

A: Champion Elka Markus, Finalist Emilie Corcoran


Back row: Nancy McLean, Gabrielle Amoroso, Marg Kuflowski, Carol Johnston, Irina Kosals, Helen Jackson, Angie Eichel, Raffaela Vandenhurk, Rob Brooks, Gail ManningFront Row: Vivienne Jure, Elka Markus, Wendy Train, Carolyn FeatherBack row: Nancy McLean, Gabrielle Amoroso, Marg Kuflowski, Carol Johnston, Irina Kosals, Helen Jackson, Angie Eichel, Raffaela Vandenhurk, Rob Brooks, Gail ManningFront Row: Vivienne Jure, Elka Markus, Wendy Train, Carolyn Feather

Action On and Off the courts:

Marg & Nancy in C finalMarg & Nancy in C finalMarijana & VivienneMarijana & VivienneIMG_2501IMG_2498IMG_2502IMG_2514Rob with Helen Bonnyman - our favourite shortbread cookie maker!Rob with Helen Bonnyman - our favourite shortbread cookie maker!IMG_6935IMG_6931IMG_6950IMG_6956IMG_6918IMG_6925IMG_6969IMG_6944


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