January 2024 Newsletter

That's a Wrap!

The 2023 Holiday Hit came with all the trimmings. Charity, laughter, celebration and some bad singing.Ninety minutes of court chaos, followed by a lovely meal in the Bistro at Mayfair Parkway, capped a great night of fun, fitness and friendship.  All told, more than 40 squash women raised $300 for the Daily Bread Food Bank, all while getting a little exercise and finally matching some faces to all those emails. .Huge thanks to the Urban Squash teens who added to the on court antics with their youthful enthusiasm and who learned that 'old ladies' really CAN play squash. Thanks to all who supported our community by coming together with our squash community.1000016931Lisa & Niki1000016941Drive to the PlayoffsHoping players have licked their various wounds and recharged their batteries over the holiday break because there are some heated playoff races to be won as we launch the second half of our TDWSA season.Action for A and C division restarts Tuesday January 9th, with B and D returning to the courts Thursday January 11th.Roadrunners lead the Sidewinders atop the A Division, separated by just 2 match wins.The same margin separates B Division leaders One Health and Mayfair Parkway, while the lead at C belongs to Pickering, by 3 over Balmy Beach. And at D, it's Unionville clinging to a one game lead over Balmy.Check all the playoff races and schedules at TDWSA Standings.And don't forget to mark Finals night on your calendars. Wednesday March 27th at Mayfair Lakeshore where all Divisions will battle for their respective titles, and of course 2nd and 3rd spots.

Get Involved! Upcoming Events/Clinics Highlights

If this all sounds like a lot of fun...you are right!Wondering how to get fit and involved in the new year?  A few suggestions…Join the TDWSA sub list here Sub entry formFind a learn to play clinic near you. We mentioned a few  in our November newsletter.  Clinics.Here are are few more offerings:

  • Chestnut Hill Developments Rec Complex, Pickering, 1867 Valley Farm Rd) .A 4-week Learn to Play for Beginner Women, No experience or equipment needed;Wednesdays: 7:20-8:20 pm - January 17th - Feb 7th, $70 - Register with  Nicole Pirko (Squash Professional) at nicolepirko@gmail.com
  • Glendon College, Toronto (Bayview/Lawrence) Sunday mornings. Contact Dylan McCartney dkm0715@gmail.com for more info

Sign up for your first tournament. Here are a few suggestions: 

  • The Lee Hanebury in Pickering is a great community tournament at a great facility that offers levels A through E so there's something for everyone. Plus, women can play both doubles and singles at no extra cost. Lee Hanebury Info and registration
  • The PSB Wilson Squash Classic in Peterborough is another great community tournament over just Friday and Saturday PSB Wilson Squash Classic info and registration
  • If you're more of a team player, consider the Ontario Regional Masters Team tournament February 23-25. With some format changes this year there's more room for players at the B/C Divisions.Team masters Info and Registration

The complete lineup of tournaments can be found on the Squash Ontario website Squash Ontario calendar

  • And finally, if you are a squash playing high school teacher who would like to introduce your students to the game, contact alison@squashontario.com to find out how

What are you waiting for?  See you on the courts!

Happy New Year & Happy Squashing!Your TDWSA Executive Team,Alison, Tania, Lisa, Carolyn, Carol, Kitt, Anna, Niki, Leila, Nicole and Christine


November 2023 Newsletter