Call for Nominations!

Help us nominate teams/clubs and players for recognition at our finals!All players listed with a valid email address on your team roster in SquashNut and all those registered in E league, will receive a link to a Nomination Survey on Friday, March 3. If you did not receive an invitation on March 3, please email us at You will have until Thursday, March 30 at 12:00 AM to submit your nomination(s) for the teams/clubs and players you feel are most deserving of the following:

  • Best Après Squash: For the team in your division that provided the best 'après squash' experience this season. E league players will be asked to name the club with the best overall experience.
  • Most Improved Player: For the woman whose game you've seen improve the most over the course of the season. You may nominate up to 3 players, in ranked order, in any division. Results will be weighted to determine the winner in each division.
  • Inspiration Award: For the player who has most demonstrated the vision, mission and values of the TDWSA this season. You may nominate up to 3 players, in ranked order, in any division. Results will be weighted to determine the overall winner.


Featured Player: Jennifer Bennett


Women's Squash at the GoodLifes!