C/D/E Tournament Results
On Saturday, September 15, the TDWSA ran a busy tournament for 26 C/D/E players at the Mayfair Lakeshore's fabulous 13-court facility. The event brought together experienced T&D players and players brand new to our league and to squash. Congratulations to the winners and finalists and thank you to everyone who participated!Tournament chair, Lynsey Yates, and her team of volunteers Firdaus Shallo and Julie Do, made sure that things ran smoothly, even as they encountered some bumps in the road. The Mayfair team made us all feel welcome. And everyone who played, reffed, and cheered helped make this a great event!Congratulations to everyone who came out and spent the day with us. Winners, finalists, 3rd place finishers, and consolation winners are shown below.E draw winner Melanie Koszegi (right) with tournament chair Lynsey Yates.
D Champion Ivona Szostak (Right)and Finalist Carolyn French
Consolation Winners Heather Del Colombo (C) and Anisha Rehmtulla (D)
C Champion Nicole Jennex and Finalist Venus Shyu
3rd place finishers LeAnne Thorfinnson (C) and Kowsyia Vijayaratnam (D)